Fall Table Decor

I think it's in the air- first it's back to school, then on to the fall season ripe with pumpkin spice lattes and fall decor.  Designer Alicia Wicker put together a super cool post with links to awesome sources for affordable fall table decor.


Oh, I couldn't help myself. I caught myself dreaming. Wishing, wanting, thinking about decorating for Fall. I so don't need anything else right now and not a single spot to store new stuff.

Then I thought, maybe you'd like something to get your Fall table decor a new splash of life. It's not like you'd have to buy all this stuff, just a couple new things might just be what you need. Oh and when you go out and get the new stuff and your honey asks about it, just tell him... "It was on sale."

2011 Fall Table Decorations

If you click on the image, it will take you to a PDF, which has clickable links, just like the Mood Boards that I create for clients do. Neat, huh. Oh, and I'm telling you there are some screaming deals. Like that Two-Tier silver plated charger?? Oh, it's under $10. Yes, it is. Small at 12", but good for decor you want to change out at an affordable price point.

The bottom row items are from Pottery Barn. So, not as cheap, but so cute. I lurve it mucho. Con queso. And there's your espanol lesson for the day. You're welcome.

p.s. These aren't affiliate links. I don't make a dime on anything you may click.


Isn't that awesome!  I'm inspired to do something different for our table this year too.  I'm gonna need to take down the summer mantle too and replace it with some fall fun!

If you are interested in Alicia's design services, you can visit her website here


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